Sunday, December 13, 2009

Clock Necklace Flavor Flav -costume

In search of the baguettes / X-Mas Hexentanz

On Thursday I had spontaneously decided to go with my trven long-haired and bearded, and my friend Jenny to Illingen to the witches' dance.
schonmal so much I can say that it was worth it and it was cool. : D

On the way there (pizza has driven us) we had such wonderful glow sticks, determined from the outside it looked like a raver car 8D Well, but we had our fun with it.
In between, we realized that we really need baguettes. I did not quite understand why, but at least we have then searched for baguettes and drove to a gas station. Since there were no more, but whatever. 8D
We are then in Illingen arrived, and so have our tickets are bought and then went out again, hoping to find somewhere where baguettes, but also because there was nothing. ; _;

Well, that's all matter of course, began sometime in the first band to play.
anger we looked only weeeit back weil. .. I do not know. ; _; They were not bad but not really good, it was just 0815-Folk-Metal, and the show of which was also boring. The singer did have a great mane and was able to headbang nice, but everything's was not. Therefore, we have been holding back and have done anything else.

came after a break, laaaaangen soul anger. They were already vieeel better than fury, but were not quite my taste. I liked them already, they used to not only cut down. ; _; But the two singers were pretty funny on it and looked like HARD GAY ( Hard Gay , Seelenzorn man ). Well, the bald head is eventually jumped from the stage to people anzupogen, which led firstly to the fact that I have unintentionally touched his ass (in lederhosen) and, second, that we pretty much back-and were hergestubst, but pretty funny 8D I'd see was the sure again when they play around here and it's not as expensive or other bands are. xD
Although I also think that they really only live good to hear this kind of music are at home before I put me a little boring. As part of the Hard Gay Show, simply.
is worth mentioning also the bass player who all the time about a "I'll kill you all and I really do not feel like" look at it had. 8D

The third band, Tanzwut, WAS ALSO A HARD GAY. Hard Gay with bagpipes. ; _; We could not resist our "HADO GEI HOOO 's 8D
But Tanzwut was a really positive surprise. I knew them before any more than the other two bands, and although they were so similar to the direction of her as the previous two (and I normally do not like something soo), they were simply lengths better. Can not describe at all. ; _; Well, eventually I learned that there are actually Tanzwut Corvus Corax. 8D "(I had always wondered why out there were all Corvus Corax-shirts sold.)
Well, have played those were some crazy characters and suddenly there was another Pogo and we were already practically o_O middle of it did the hurt, although one has tried this time, as to keep out;. _; And at some point, this type Hard Gay hergezaubert a huge rubber penis and ran around it, wtf ;__________;

And then ... finally came Apokalyptischen Reiter . 8D The only ones I knew (although I do not really hear ;_;).
Alsoooo. I must say that guitarist and bass player really had really great hair. (Blonde and long \u0026lt;3) Much better than on photos. Non-Wizziac horny and not Kay-hot, but they were still pretty bawwww. ; _;'d Rape \u0026lt;3 And the guitarists I should, I think. * _ * "I was near enough to the so eh, _; any event, the grinning the whole time while playing as a little silly boy, while still looked manly and geheadbangt, bawww 8DDDD \u0026lt;333 Kawaiiiiii desu neeeeeeeeee
you have also played great, but it was still not as great as the hair. [/ hair fetish]
all ... the bald singer was also a cool pig. He has had a really määächtige voice and a lot of fun stuff done 8D
some point there was then a Wall of Death 8D I experience the first time and I was in there not really, but it looked really crude from 8DDDD
In any case, they were unique (especially her music, but also by the hair ago other in all) the best band and I want to see them again uuuunbedingt. How good that they are on Wacken. \u0026lt;3

It certainly was a beautiful evening. : 3 And on the way back there was another glow sticks and we were back Raver, yaaay.


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